Mélyül az LMP válsága: a teljes Vas vármegyei elnökség elhagyta a pártot
Az elmúlt hónapokban sorra hagyták el a pártot legismertebb politikusai.
Hungary's weakening currency and rising borrowing needs have swollen its debt load to 82% of gross domestic product, overshooting government fiscal targets.
„The government mandated the transfer of mandatory pension-fund assets into the state pension system late last year, quasi-nationalizing the third pillar of the pension system as part of its much-debated unorthodox set of measures to deal with slower economic growth and other effects of the global crisis. In the third quarter of 2011, household holdings of cash, forint deposits and quoted shares increased significantly, while other assets fell sharply because of the disbursement of real returns related to opt-outs from private pension funds.